April 28, 2023
As God continues to lead the people of Israel out of slavery and to the Promised Land they begin grumbling again. It’s as if they expect 5 star traveling and have quickly forgotten that they were slaves treated harshly back in Egypt. Once again, Moses cries out to God and God provides for His people. Let’s look at the account together today.
The whole Israelite community set out from the Desert of Sin, traveling from place to place as the Lord commanded. They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink. 2 So they quarreled with Moses and said, “Give us water to drink.” Moses replied, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you put the Lord to the test?” 3 But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?” 4 Then Moses cried out to the Lord, “What am I to do with these people? They are almost ready to stone me.” 5 The Lord answered Moses, “Go out in front of the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. 6 I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7 And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the Lord saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?”
It is interesting the repeated pattern of behavior by the people of Israel. In the last several chapters of Exodus God has brought down 10 plagues on Egypt. Passed over the people of Israel with the Angel of Death. Led Israel with a pilar of fire and a cloud. Parted the Red Sea. Closed the Red Sea on the Egyptians. Fed the people miraculously every day with quail and manna. Had a bitter salt lake produce fresh water simply by throwing some wood in it. Finally now hitting a rock and having fresh water flow from it. Somehow the people still are wondering if God is actually with them. Perhaps we aren’t quite as bad as the Israelites in this case but sometimes we can develop a what have you done for me lately attitude with God. We just do things on our own strength and go in our own direction instead of relying on God’s direction and leading in our lives. Then when things go bad we cry out to God and say that we need His help and His leading. We aren’t that different from the Israelites. We need to remember to seek God’s leading always not just when we feel like we need Him. This will keep our paths straight and help us to avoid those times when we have a tendency to wander off.
In His Grip,
Pastor Dave