Sep '24
September 17, 2024
Sep '24
“You are the God who sees me.” She also said, “Have I truly seen the one who sees me?” – Genesis 16:13
Is your experience of Jesus truly your own, or is it shaped by someone else’s experiences shared with you? Is your understanding of the Lord based on preconceived beliefs, or does it come from scripture and a mindful awareness of His work in your life?
One of the most profound questions we can ask ourselves is, “Have I ever seen the One who sees me?” In my journey with the Lord, I’ve found that the more I learn, the more I realize how little I truly know. Many Christians walk around with the notion that “Jesus loves me, and that’s all I need to know,” or “I read the scriptures, so I know everything.”
The beautiful thing about walking humbly with Jesus, like a child, is that He always patiently waits for us to return to Him so that His Spirit can teach us. The lessons He imparts often challenge our flesh, forcing us to rely on Him and see things from His perspective. He consistently teaches and humbles us, guiding us to seek His best interests rather than our own. To see things from his perspective rather than our own.
Returning to my original question, does the Jesus you worship agree with you on everything? Have you spent time in the scriptures to learn about the real Jesus and how the Spirit works in our lives? Is your faith truly yours, or have you been relying on the knowledge of your parents or pastors?
The beauty of our walk with God is that it is OUR WALK WITH GOD. We have the opportunity to read the love letters that God wrote to us, and the Father allows events in our lives where the Spirit guides, rebukes, teaches, and grants us wisdom and peace. Through these experiences, He develops our character and deepens our reliance on Him. He does this for each of us personally.
Pastor Chance