February 3, 2025

We are all familiar with the game of “Simon Says.” A leader, Simon, gives out commands to a group of players. “Simon says, ‘Touch your nose.’” The players then obey the command. But if Simon gives out a command without saying “Simon says,” they can be “out” if they obey that command. This fun game, that does not require a digital screen, teaches some important skills. The players need to carefully listen to Simon. They learn to follow directions. They learn discernment. They learn about accountability to the rules. And most importantly they learn obedience to an authority.

What if we approached the commands of Jesus Christ in the same way? What if  discipleship was treated as a serious game of “Jesus Says?” After all, Jesus told his disciples:

Then Jesus said to those Judeans who had believed him, “If you continue to follow my teaching, you are really my disciples. John 8:31

 And… “If you obey my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.” John 15:10-10

Are we committed to obey his commands? Do we even know all of his commands?  This week I will share some of the commands of Christ with the understanding that we are commanded and expected to make every effort to do what “Jesus Says.”
Pastor Andy
