December 12, 2022

Hello Advent Family,

Who are the people that have invested in your life?  For every Timothy, an important leader in the early church, there are many who have invested time in that person. Without those investments Timothy certainly wouldn’t have become the man that he did.  Let’s look together at Paul’s words in 2 Timothy 1 together today.

To Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

Paul invested much in Timothy.  Two of the books in the Bible are written to support and encourage him.  He took Timothy on journeys with him.  He sent Timothy on important missions.  He invested time in teaching and mentoring Timothy.  Not only that, but Timothy had others who influenced him greatly as well.  Here Paul mentions the faith of his Grandmother, Lois and his mother, Eunice as creating a legacy of faith for Timothy as well.  The point of all of this is that we have all had people who have influenced and guided us along this journey of faith in our lives.  Take time today and thank them for the impact they have had in your life.  Perhaps more importantly think of those that you can impact in their faith journey as well.  Who can you encourage?  Who can you be an example to?  Who can you invite to join you at church or a Bible study?  You never know what Timothys are out there waiting for your influence to push them along.

In His Grip,

Pastor Dave
