December 12, 2024

“Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel.” – Daniel 1:9

“God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom. And God gave Daniel the special ability to interpret the meanings of visions and dreams.” – Daniel 1:17

Wow, this morning I started reading the book of Daniel, and what a joy it is to get a good word in the present season. This happens during a time when the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem and exiled many Israelites to a foreign land led by King Nebuchadnezzar. The king took young strong boys from Judah’s royal family, including four teenagers: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (better known by their Babylonian names: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego).

The king wanted them in his court but required three years of training in the new language, culture, and affairs. He provided them with the finest foods and wines, like a Las Vegas buffet! Though tempting, this food violated God’s dietary laws. Daniel and his friends chose to obey God and requested a vegetable and water diet for 10 days. If they looked unhealthy compared to the others, they would eat the king’s diet. After 10 days, they looked healthier and even gained weight!

This shows that when God’s favor is on your life, and you mix His Spirit with obedience, He will do amazing things, answer prayers, exceed expectations, present opportunities, work within people, and use you in ways you will never expect. I am here today because I prayed a bold prayer out of obedience and God has put his hand on my life, all glory to him! 
Challenge for today: Remind yourself that you are blessed, favored, and loved. Pray a bold prayer today and give the glory to God for he is good!
Pastor Chance
