Dec '24
December 24, 2024
Dec '24
My wife and I were discussing how there is a little sadness that comes the closer we get to Christmas Day. The reason for this feeling is that we love Christmas so much, it is sad to think it will soon be over. We love the exciting build up but know that in just a few days things will go back to normal. We’ll take down the decorations and lights, toss out the stale cookies, and frantically try to catch up on the work we didn’t get done for the past few weeks.
We also know that Christmas is not about the month before or even the day. It is about the truth that Jesus was born to love us and lead us and save us every day of our lives. Given the hectic nature of the season, we might even get a chance to focus on his presence more nearly and dearly. On this Christmas Eve, rejoice with the prophet Isaiah who predicted the joy of the baby’s birth. The truth is, because “the baby changes everything,” Christmas is not one day but everyday.
Isaiah 9:3 You will enlarge the nation of Israel, and its people will rejoice.
They will rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest…
They will rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest…
Pastor Andy