Feb '25

February 6, 2025
Feb '25

Jesus commands us to have new attitudes. During his short time of ministry, he showed us his attitude as a guideline for us to follow. He humbly washed their feet. He was compassionate to those in need. He was patient with his disciples. He welcomed the children to him. He was kind to the sick and diseased. Paul tells the Philippians to have “the same attitude toward one another as Christ Jesus had.” (Phil 2:5)
I’ve always been fond of his commands to “be salt” and “be light.” To be salty as a disciple is to bring flavor to the dull and hopeless diet of life. As salt, we are to cleanse and preserve all we come into contact with. The people we meet should feel that we have enhanced and improved their lives through our faith. If not, then what good are we to anyone?
To be light is both a privilege and a responsibility. Jesus has passed his light to us to shine in a world of darkness. How wonderful it is when we can share the good news of grace and mercy, act with humility and love, and bless God’s children in the midst of troubles and trials. And how sad it would be if we neglected to shine our lights and put them under a basket.
Pastor Andy