January 16, 2025

One of the games that was fun to play with my children when they were younger was peek-a-boo. It was so easy. I would cover my hands over my face and they would think I disappeared for a moment and then I would say peek-a-boo. They would be so surprised and laugh and giggle every time I did it. Of course they quickly outgrew this stage of development and it was not so funny and they thought I was just being weird. 

I think at times I act as a small child with those of our community who are impoverished. Because I may live in affluence, I forget that there are those who have much less and struggle with life. The flip side is that at times they may pass before me and I rationalize as to why they are in the situation. Yet, Isaiah today reminds us that we need to care about the things that God cares about and He cares for those who have less. 

Isaiah 58:9–10 (ESV): 9 Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; 

      you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am.’ 

      If you take away the yoke from your midst, 

      the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, 

      10 if you pour yourself out for the hungry 

      and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, 

      then shall your light rise in the darkness 

      and your gloom be as the noonday.

Learn to take time to see what God sees. Use the time wisely to feed those who are hungry and to give a helping hand to those who are oppressed. God cares for the uncared. To have the heart of God, then you need to see what God sees and your heart needs to have compassion for others. Remember that Jesus had compassion for those who came to him. He never rationalized them away that it was their fault and they needed to fix it. He simply accepted them as they came to him. It is hard to love when you do not see those who need to be loved.

Pastor Aaron
