January 17, 2025

Dr. Harry Ironside was once convicted about his lack of humility. A friend recommended as a remedy, that he march through the streets of Chicago wearing a sandwich board, shouting the scripture verses on the board for all to hear. Dr. Ironside agreed to this venture and when he returned to his study and removed the board, he said “I’ll bet there’s not another man in town who would do that.”

Humility is like grasping water. As soon as you try to hold it it runs out of your hands. Yet God calls us to be humble in nature. 

This is what the LORD says: 

       “Heaven is my throne, 

         and the earth is my footstool. 

         Where is the house you will build for me? 

         Where will my resting place be? 

      2 Has not my hand made all these things, 

         and so they came into being?” 

           declares the LORD. 

         “These are the ones I look on with favor: 

         those who are humble and contrite in spirit, 

         and who tremble at my word. Isaiah 66:1–2 (NIV)

I find in living in this modern world that my view of God is reduced. The world is no longer vast and wide after I look at Google Maps and the weather is no longer mysterious and frightening after looking at Yahoo Weather. I can feel as if I have unlimited knowledge as I scroll and type into the AI chat rooms. Within seconds I have information overload and believe I am an expert in any field. Yet, there is still so much we do not know and so many devices that really do not work well. The mystery of God is lost as we scramble to climb our social ladders. 

We will do well to turn back to the ancient pages of Scripture and be reminded of our smallness before the greatness of our creator. Through it we would learn to love as He first loved us and in it we would understand that he who is greatest is the least among those who stand tall.

Pastor Aaron
