January 31, 2025

“I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.” – 1 Corinthians 1:10

“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” – 1 Peter 3:8

Aloha again! Imagine yourself at a luxury resort—crystal-clear waters, warm sun, and a gentle breeze carrying the scent of paradise (like an average day in Boca Raton, haha). People from all walks of life are there, each with their own story. Some came to rest, some to celebrate, and others to heal. No one stops to ask if their reasons are the same; they simply share in the beauty before them.

This is the Church—God’s embassy on earth, filled with people from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We don’t need to think alike in every detail, but we are called to have a deep love and care for each other.

Let’s not confuse love with tolerance. True unity is agreeing on the most important things and lovingly addressing any hindrances while understanding that we may not agree on every little thing, just like players and coaches.

Called to Unity, Not Uniformity

Jesus’ disciples were a picture of diversity: Peter, the impulsive fisherman; Matthew, the tax collector; Simon the Zealot, who despised Rome (and likely Matthew too); and Thomas, the skeptic. Sounds like our pastoral staff, haha. By every earthly standard, they and we should have been divided. But Jesus didn’t call them or us to rally around just opinions—He called them to rally around the truth of Himself. Today, some of us have certain theology, politics, backgrounds, quirks, opinions, or beliefs about worship style, but we all need to understand the bigger picture: the desire for God to build community in unlikely places, feed the sheep, and “so that the world may see and believe the Father sent me.”

The worst thing that kills unity is when we say, “If you don’t agree with me, then you are not a real follower or this place is doomed.” Real maturity realizes that unity is so precious to Jesus and only the most extreme circumstances of heresy or unrepentant immorality should lead to disunity.

My challenge to all of us is to embrace the journey at this resort. You might have to grab a shovel, get your hands dirty, and face some disappointments. Yet, when the Saints gather despite the odds, marriages are healed, mistakes are forgiven, wisdom is shared, encouragement abounds, blessings flow, joy is spread, laughter fills the air, eulogies bring comfort, and God is glorified. We come to realize that a life surrounded by people who love Jesus brings more good to our lives and families than we could ever imagine. Enjoy your stay!


Your Advent Resort Team!
