May 16, 2023
The story of Moses and the people of Israel is an interesting one. God remains faithful to His people despite their continued unfaithfulness. Moses leads the people up to the cusp of the Promised Land but in not allowed to enter it. The book of Exodus ends abruptly with God’s presence leading the people and we have to dig throughout the giving of the law in Leviticus and Deuteronomy for the rest of the story. Much of the law is actually directed toward the next phase of the people’s journey as God knows they will be afraid of the enemies they encounter and will also be tempted to adopt their cultures and gods. God offers them encouragement in Deuteronomy 20. Let’s look at it together today.
When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. 2 When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army. 3 He shall say: “Hear, Israel: Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified by them. 4 For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”
Most of us will probably not march off into war against enemies but this scripture still applies to us. Whatever battles we face in this life we face knowing that God is with us. There will be times when we are afraid but we can trust that God goes with us as we fight our battles. God is the one who provides victory. Victory over fear. Victory over anxiety. Victory over sickness and pain. Victory over sin. God wants us all to experience victory. He is with us and He leads, guides, and protects us in our journey. May we all rest in this truth today and every day.
In His Grip,
Pastor Dave