October 17, 2024

Have you ever felt restless but were not sure of the cause?  You have a good job, fairly financially secure, loving family and good friends, but still there is something nudging or gnawing at you ever so slightly.  That was me a few years ago.  I went through a career change and was researching some educational opportunities that led me to discover the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits.  I have not yet made a full Ignatian Retreat, but I have tried to include some of the practices in my prayer life and when I am faithful to the practices, I find myself more settled.


Our minds are cluttered with so many priorities that sometimes it is hard (at least for me) to “hear” God.  St. Ignatius encourages us to surrender all to God, to let go of attachments and trust in God’s plan.  The hope is that by doing this we will become more open to God’s love and guidance.  We may be able to more clearly discern our purpose


The emphasis is on finding God in the everyday experiences of our lives, to take note of those encounters, reflect on them so that we can see what God might be guiding us toward.  We are encouraged to live out our faith in a thoughtful and authentic way that responds to God’s love with love, justice and compassion.  


The Suscipe of St. Ignatius or the “Take Lord, Receive” prayer above is a powerful expression of faith and trust.  It is an expression of the essential truth that when we open ourselves to the reality of who God is and what God has done for us we realize we have all that we need.   


Of course, I have a song:  These Alone are Enough for Me  


The reality of this song brings me to tears each time I hear or sing it.  I hope it is meaningful to you as well.


Cecilia Carroll

Advent Square Director

