September 12, 2024

All I ever wanted was to see you learn to walk. All I ever wanted was to listen to you talk.
I did not imagine I would have to walk alone in the silence.  All I Ever Wanted

In my musical, El Camino, the character Selah didn’t want much. She just wanted a child. After years of trying she became pregnant and hope filled her heart. Then she lost the pregnancy and she had to walk alone in the silence. Her husband tried his best, but he couldn’t help her fill the empty spaces in the conversation of her life. As much to give him a break as to escape the scene of her loss, she joins a group that will walk the camino together. As she basks in the sunshine, all she can wonder is “are you safe and sound somewhere my darling? I think I could breathe if that were true. Are you in the sunshine my darling, oh my darling, I think I could sleep if that is true.”

Thanks to her companions on the camino, Selah comes to realize that she is not alone and her healing begins. As brothers and sisters in Christ we are not called to fix each other but to walk with each other. The one who does the fixing and the healing and the restoration is the one who walked to the cross for us.  Jesus made many promises to his disciples as they journeyed together. But perhaps the most powerful one is this: Matthew 28:20 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” No matter what happens, we will never have to walk alone. This is most certainly true.

Pastor Andy
