September 16, 2024
The good news is that we don’t get our value from things but from the creator of all things! The good news is that Jesus can heal this insecurity, just as He gently rebuked Peter when he asked about John. Jesus reminded Peter that he was valuable and unique. Jesus says you are worth the cost, created to be unique, part of the royal family, and good enough because He made you so. You are set apart before time and he likes you. We have no reason to look at others because we are not like others! Focus on your own race, your own calling.
To live the abundant life Christ desires for you, listen to the voice of truth and tune out the lies. Remind yourself daily that comparison kills joy, what God has given you is enough and it makes you special, and that you are a unique gift to the world.
A song from Casting Crowns:
“But the voice of truth tells me a different story The voice of truth says “Do not be afraid!” And the voice of truth says “This is for My glory” Out of all the voices calling out to me. I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth”