April 25, 2024

For the School Auction this year I offered to cook a four course meal with wine pairings for six people. To some, that would sound like a lot of work. To me, that sounds like a lot of fun! Cooking is one of the best ways for me to show people that I care about them and enjoy being with them. My kids often come to the house with Tupperware ready to take home all the leftovers after our family dinners. Fortunately, Susan loves to cook and host and clean too! Through the years, we have felt blessed to welcome people into our house for a great meal and great time. It just may be my favorite ministry! What a joy to know God wants to cook for us too!

You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies.
You revive my drooping head;  my cup brims with blessing. (Psalm 23)

You may be stuffed with God’s blessings today. If that is the case, maybe it is time to consider sharing some of them with others. Who can you bless today that really needs it? Or maybe you are reading this with a stomach growling from spiritual hunger. I’ll remind you that this devotion is not enough for a full meal today-it’s just an appetizer. Why not use you Bible App to read a few more great Psalms today? Jesus said, “We do not live by bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God.” You may not need six courses everyday, but know that he provides whatever you need at His table. Bon Appétit!
Pastor Andy
