April 26, 2024

If all goes well, by the time you read this, Susan and I will be in Paris, France on vacation. I’ve been blessed to visit Paris a number of times but I am especially excited this time to leave the  “City of Lights” to see the countryside of France. We’ll travel to the shores of Normandy, the banks of the Loire River, the vineyards of Burgundy, and champagne caves of Reims. I’ve spent eight months preparing for the trip-more than a little obsessive-and I expect the reality will exceed my expectations! One thing is certain, God always exceeds my expectations in his love for us.

Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God for the rest of my life. (Psalm 23)

No matter where I’ve gone, I have yet to find a place I’d rather live than home, sweet home. There are many amazing sites but none that can take the place of being home with my family, my dogs, my church and my guitars. What a beautiful thought that this whole life is really just like a very nice trip. When the trip is over, we are all going home to God. The home he provides us is greater than any we have ever known. Thomas asked Jesus, “but we don’t know the way, Lord.” He said, maybe after a chuckle, “Yes you do! I am the way, the truth and the life.” The Shepherd who is always with us one day will lead us all home.

Pastor Andy
