August 23, 2023

Hello Advent Family,

Last night I had an interesting thing happen. I predicted the future. I was getting ready for bed and I had a carryon suitcase that I used last weekend and had not put away yet. I saw where it was and thought, I’ll probably trip on that in the middle of the night if I don’t put it away. I was tired so I just decided to put it away in the morning. I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and sure enough I stumbled over it and almost fell to the ground. I went back to bed and struggled to sleep and woke up tired and sore realizing that the entire thing was my fault. I actually woke up and thought of this passage from Isaiah 40. Let’s look at it together today. 

Do you not know?

    Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

    the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

    and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary

    and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,

    and young men stumble and fall; 

but those who hope in the Lord

    will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

    they will run and not grow weary,

    they will walk and not be faint.

We all stumble and fall at times in life when we rely upon our own strength. Yet God provides strength to the weary. He renews the strength of those who inevitably stumble when we place our hope in Him. He even says we will soar on wings like eagles. That’s the thing, when we fly we God we never stumble, but when we walk on our own strength we will stumble often. Often it is because of things we put in our own path. Today and every day fly with God, it’s a lot better than stumbling on your own.

In His Grip,

Pastor Dave
