May 12, 2023

Pastor Dave has been dutifully working through Exodus in his daily devotional emails and when he asked me to share some thoughts with you, I knew where I was going.  Besides Moses being a great deliverer and a type of Christ, scripture also shows us that he did a little worship leading as well.

Right before Exodus 15, God parts the Red Sea and Moses leads the people of God out of Egypt and out of slavery.  Rather than rest or give everyone a congratulatory pep talk, Moses leads the people of Israel in a song of praise and gratitude to God.  That is so interesting to me and at the same time, not surprising.  I don’t know about you but, I can’t imagine a wedding void of music at the ceremony or reception.  I don’t think a funeral would be complete without hearing a favorite hymn of a departed loved one and I’m not sure what graduates would do without Pomp & Circumstance playing during the entrance and exit to their graduation ceremony.  I certainly couldn’t imagine rocking my kids to sleep at night as babies without singing them a lullaby.  Moses at this pivotal moment in his life and in the life of the people of God, chooses to SING his thanks and praise.  He leads the people in praise to the one whose presence, power and provision also leads us to a rhythm of praise.

I believe God inspires songs of praise and created us to sing them as a way for us to remind ourselves of who He is and to express our gratitude at times when we experience events for which words alone seem inadequate.  Scripture is full of song writers and worship leaders.  Miriam, Moses’ sister, David, Hannah, Mary, Simeon, Solomon and Paul, just to name a few, all have a song in their hearts.

My favorite line of Moses’ song is in verse 2.  “The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.”  I don’t know what you are facing today or what season you are walking through but, I do know that the God of Moses and the God of our here and now knows.  I also know we are loved by a God who has sent his one and only Son as our ultimate deliverer in order to secure our eternal salvation with Him.  That truth should always lead us to gratitude and maybe, like Moses, it puts a song of praise in our hearts for today. 

Singing His praises,
Julie Putnik

P.S.  In case you need a song suggestion for your own praise party today, here’s a link to a great modern day hymn of praise in the same spirit as Moses’ song in Exodus.  It’s called “Deliverer” by Matt Maher.  Enjoy.

