October 19, 2023

Hello Advent Family,

One of the things that I do not love about traveling is being alone.  I am one of those weird, extreme extroverts that always loves to be around people.  I often feel unsettled if I do not know what I’m going to do next.  I know that many of you love being unscheduled and love alone time but that is not my jam.  That’s why I love Psalm 139.  Let’s look at it together today.

You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.

You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.

You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.

Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.

You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain.

Where can I go from your Spirit?
    Where can I flee from your presence?

If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,

even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.

David had a great grasp that he was truly never alone.  No matter what was going on God was always with him.  I love that.  I can fulfill my need to talk to people wherever I am because God is always with me.  It might look a little weird if I try it out loud but I don’t have to do that.  God knows my inmost thoughts.  Today whether you are surrounded by others or all alone know that the Creator of the universe is with you every step of the way.  Rest in that truth.

In His Grip,

Pastor Dave
